Special Education

Contact Information

Special Programs Office: C-R High School (518) 234-2742

Lynn Bramski, Assistant Director of Student Services

CPSE: (518) 234-4032 ext. 5027

Paul Brosious, CPSE Chair

Additional Resources

A Parent/Guardian Guide to Understanding the CPSE to CSE Transition Process
A Parent's Guide to Special Education
Procedural Safeguards Notice
504 Plans

What is the Committee on Special Education (CSE)?

Every school district in New York State has a Committee on Special Education (sometimes called the CSE). The CSE is responsible for children with disabilities. Cobleskill-Richmondville’s CSE has primary responsibility for making recommendations on classification, evaluation and educational programs for children who require special education.

How are special education services delivered to students?

Several staff members, including special education teachers, general education teachers, speech pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, and counselors provide services to identified students. At C-RCS, teachers work together as a team to develop and implement individualized programs to meet each child’s unique needs. C-RCS’s philosophy is one of inclusion. Students with disabilities are educated in classrooms with their peers to the greatest extent possible. Specialized instruction is provided within classroom settings whenever possible. From kindergarten on, students are educated in general education classes right here in our home schools. Students are removed from general education only when special education and related services provided in the classroom are not sufficient to assist the student in making effective progress in the curriculum.  C-RCS offers unique special classes for children from kindergarten to 21 years of age.  These classes allow our students who require more than the general education setting to stay in their community and in a public school setting throughout their school careers.

How does the C-RCS CSE ensure needs are met?

Program offerings change from year to year, based upon the individual needs of students identified by the Committee on Special Education. At annual meetings of the CSE, student strengths, weaknesses and needs are reviewed and appropriate programs are developed to address those needs. Special Education services are designed according to a continuum of services with the goal of meeting student’s unique needs in general education classrooms to the greatest extent possible.  Each classroom is visited by those overseeing the CSE (the CSE Chairperson, Coordinator of Special Education and Director of Student Services) so that those students being supported by the CSE are more than just a name on a piece of paper.  Students who are serviced outside of CRCS (i.e. Capital Region BOCES) are also visited at least once a year to monitor their progress.

Who is on the Committee on Special Education (CSE)?

The Committees on Special Education, in accordance with the provisions of Education Law Section 4402, are necessary to ensure timely evaluations of students. The primary responsibilities of the Committee are to make recommendations on classification, evaluation, and educational programs for children who require special education, and to ensure the appropriateness of the regular education program, including educationally related support services and academic intervention services, has been considered.

Required members of the CSE include:

- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of the student.

- At least one regular education teacher who has knowledge of either the student or general education expectations

- One special education teacher of the student 

- A school psychologist

- The District’s CSE/CPSE chairperson who is qualified to provide or supervise special education and who is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum and the availability of resources of the school district.

- An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results. Such individual may also be the individual appointed as the regular education teacher, special education teacher, provider, school psychologist, or the district representative.

- A school physician, if specifically requested in writing by the parent at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

- An additional parent member of a student with a disability if requested by a parent at least 72 hours prior to the meeting

- Other persons having knowledge or special expertise regarding the student-

- If appropriate, the student.  At CRCS we begin to formally invite students to their meeting when we discuss transition.  

The Committee on Preschool Education (CPSE) includes:

- Parent(s) of the preschool child.

- A regular education teacher

- Special education teacher or provider of the child.

- The District’s CSE/CPSE Chairperson who is qualified to provide or supervise special education and who is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum and the availability of preschool special education programs and services and other resources of the school district and municipality.

- An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results. Such individual may also be the individual appointed as the regular education teacher, special education teacher, or provider, school psychologist, or the district representative.

- Other persons having knowledge or special expertise regarding the student.

- For a child in transition from early intervention programs and services, the appropriate professional designated by the agency that has been charged with the responsibility for the preschool child, and a representative of the municipality of the preschool child’s residence, provided that the attendance of that representative of the municipality shall not be required for a quorum.

What should you do if you feel that your school-age child needs special education?

If your school-age child is having difficulties in school, first talk to your child’s teacher. There are many supports and services available for students within regular education to help students who are experiencing difficulty. Supports available in general education include speech/language improvement services, counseling support, curriculum and instructional modifications, and Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in reading and math. In addition, each school has an Educational Support Team (EST) that can help to develop strategies and supports to help students experience success. 

If, after supports and strategies have been attempted, and you continue to believe that your child may have a disability that affects his or her learning, you can make a referral in writing to the Committee on Special Education requesting an evaluation.  Following that referral, you may be contacted by your child’s building principal for an informal meeting to discuss your referral, or will receive a consent letter to begin testing.