Meet the Board of Education

The board is responsible for establishing the quality of education in the district. As elected officials, they represent the public in:

  • defining the philosophy of the district;
  • setting goals and objectives to achieve educational progress;
  • establishing policies for the operation of the school district;
  • evaluating the effectiveness of district programs and services;
  • developing a budget consistent with educational needs and community resources.

Meeting schedule

C-RCS Board of Education meetings are normally held in the William H. Golding Middle School library at 7 p.m. Board of Education meetings are videotaped by Schopeg. Livestream information will be posted to the district website prior to each meeting.

The full schedule of meetings can be found on this calendar: 2024-25 District Calendar with Board Meetings. 

Board of Education members 

Bruce Tryon, President, [email protected]

Dominga Lent, Vice President, [email protected]
Mary Black, [email protected]
Jason Gagnon, [email protected]
Steven Philbrick, [email protected]
Susan Emerson Strasser, [email protected]
Aimee Yorke, [email protected]

Board of Education committees

Board of Education members serve on many district committees to help ensure representation and transparency across district operations. Below is a list of C-RCSD committees on which BOE members serve.

Audit: Bruce Tryon, Steven Philbrick
Board Policy:
Mary Black, Susan Emerson Strasser, Bruce Tryon

Facilities: Steven Philbrick, Aimee Yorke
Health and Safety: Dominga Lent
Professional Growth: Mary Black
Strategic Planning: Susan Strasser, Aimee Yorke
Technology: Jason Gagnon, Mary Black
Wellness: Susan Emerson Strasser