Eighth grader Caleb Robson was presented with a Courage Award from Siena College on April 26th.
Courage Awards are presented to students in the Capital Region in grades 6-12 who demonstrate personal courage by standing up against injustice and acting as peacemakers and bridge builders.
Caleb was nominated for the Courage Award by Golding Middle School Librarian Laura Gagnon. Caleb earned this award for demonstrating courage by standing up against identity based bullying and advocating for support for young people in crisis.
Courage Award recipients were welcomed to the 36th Annual Martin Lurther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King Lecture Series on Race and Nonviolent change. They were honored at a dinner. Timothy Tyson, author of the 2017 New York Times bestseller, The Blood of Emmett Till, was the keynote speaker.
For more information about the Courage Awards visit https://www.siena.edu/offices/academics/academic-events-and-programs/mlk-lecture-series/courage-award/