C-R Clay Target Team

C-R Clay Target Team
Posted on 08/04/2024
Trap Team 2025 Spring Schedule

New York State High School Clay Target League Rules

What is Trap Shooting? 
Clay targets are launched from a trap house in all directions and the shooter has one shot to hit the target. There are five shooters at a time who rotate from station to station after five rounds. There are twenty-five rounds fired per round. 

Who is eligible for the C-R Team? 
Any athlete in grades 7-12, with NYS State-Approved Hunter Education Certification or SAFE Certification.

Do I need to provide my shotgun and ammunition? 
Yes. Shotgun should not have any straps, pistol grips, or sight enhancements. 

Where are the practices and competitions held? 
Richmondville Fish and Game Club 811, High View Rd, Richmondville, NY 12149

Under no circumstances, whatsoever, is an athlete or their parents allowed to bring their firearm on school grounds, even if transporting the student to practice/competition. This is a Federal Law violation that will not be tolerated. Athletes must provide their own transportation.

How will my student be kept safe? 
Each coach has been trained and received the Range Safety Officer certification. All athletes must arrive with their shotgun cased, actions open, unloaded, and safety on. Athletes must have their shotgun checked before it is placed in the rack. 

Only athletes who are on the line may hold their shotgun. They are allowed to have only one round in the shotgun with either 7.5 or 8 load (birdshot) and action open until it is their turn to fire.  

Athletes are only allowed to use 7.5 or 8 load, nothing lower. 

After the first safety violation, an athlete will be sent home immediately. After the second safety violation, an athlete will no longer be allowed to participate on the team.

When will practices be held? 
Sunday (time to be determined) and a makeup date of Wednesday (time to be determined). 

To stay informed about signups and other events, use the BAND App.

Who do I contact to join the club?
Coach Henry, C-R Athletic Director: 
E: [email protected]
P: (518) 234-3565 ext. 1123  

Fall 2024 Coaches:
Mr. Weiss
Mrs. Gagnon
Mr. Weber
Mr. Seyboth